Friday, July 3, 2009

Symptoms frequently by Internet users

In a series of ads for Internet Explorer 8, Microsoft listed a manifestation of the users as read all this page to another page, because the speed of slow access...

Millions of people around the world to spend all day wandering on the network they have by "disease" FOMS (Fear of missing something - Number missing something). This video ad for the Web Slices in IE 8.

She married borrow husband's computer and accidentally open the site "to" that to this individual. Images on the screen makes her staggering. This clip has been removed, and Microsoft will launch the video to introduce other features private browsing (Private Browsing) in IE 8.

You accidentally found one interesting on the Internet immediately and show people. Then, you want to share more. This is the manifestation of symptoms SHYNESS (Sharing heavily yet still not enough sharing - Share How much is not enough).

If your parents open rave site for too long, they may encounter in GRIPES (Gritting extra rage Internet pathetically slow).

Microsoft also described briefly good and bad trends in the history of Internet development, from phase dial with the mouse co dancing movement to save the video sharing "tree leaves the garden" and the update status continuously on the network society.


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