Tuesday, June 16, 2009

GM sold a brand more

Saab is the new name in the GM family are sold after its mothers factory filing bankruptcy. The next person manage this Sweden brand is investors group that manufacturers super car Koenigsegg.

GM of America has achieved the initial agreement in trade and sell brand Saab Sweden. Many suspect a set manufacturers super car small enough to buy a company so large. But reality entirely correct.

However, not only their Koenigsegg Automotive manufacturers that this company with other investors, which are the establishment of the corporation Koenigsegg Group. Saab brand is the second house from GM.

GM hopes sales process will complete in autumn 2009. Much information of the contract are confidential but the value will include $600,000,000 transfered from investment banks in Europe EIB, which is guaranteed by the government Sweden. Koenigsegg Group and GM have agreed more, and GM can not get any from this group.

Transfer from the production super-car amount to little commercial production, Koenigsegg will face many difficulties. But CEO Jan Ake Jonsson, the trust is an opportunity to expand the brand, through the pure product of Sweden best.

This trade is good news for GM. After filing bankruptcy protection, GM sold the Hummer and Saab. So its structure is not more complex and significant loan from the government will also Sweden reduced.

Saab is the name of the famous Sweden when operating in areas of both aircraft and automobile. In 1990, GM bought 51% share and operating the rights to compete with Ford's Volvo. The name Saab is abbreviated from the phrase "Svenska Aeroplan AB", or "company limited aircraft Sweden".


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