Compared with other chat services like MSN, Skype, Gtalk ..., Yahoo Messenger has received one of the many advantages of using water and almost all who use the Internet also own at least a YM account.
After you install YM 10 on, in step sign, people will immediately recognize difference. The new version also integrates a variety of languages, including English. (Do YM support Vietnamese, articles will guide based on this).

Besides the characteristics inherent in these products before, the 10 is equipped feature Video Call. Users not familiar with the webcam to enable photo sharing and voice chat. Now, two features are grouped together in the Video Call with the quality and speed of image transmission is significantly improved.

To use, in the chat window, users click on the Video Call button.
Yahoo Messenger allows each avatar to create avatar but this feature gradually fell into oblivion. However, the cherub was again measured "in use" in the new version through the avatar chat functionality. First, you create the avatar In the chat window, click on "activity" and select Yahoo Avatars Space friends to invite you to participate.

Then, a space appears chat conversations and chats will become the second avatar. Participants can change the background, more U.S. content than to look nice as we change position, attitude of the photos by clicking them.

Invitee can use older versions of YM.
YM Beta 10 also significantly upgraded sending files while chatting, such additional button "image" to send photos directly. File transfer speed is also improved and overcome the "break ganh between the" very frequently or in older versions.
Along with the development of social networks, additional functionality YM Y! Update support track updates of your friends on Yahoo Plus, Twitter, Flickr ...

Click on Y! Update on the main interface of YM and content tracking options that interest you.
More tips log on a computer account (applies to all versions of YM):
At one point, YM only allows one sign up an account, means that if multiple ownership nickname, you must access each account in turn. To sign as well:
- Click Start/Run, fill in the dialog box regedit and press Enter (for Windows XP) or mad regedit in the Search box and press Enter (for Vista).
- In the Registry Editor window, find the scientific HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Yahoo/Pager/Test
- Right-click any location in the right pane, select New -> DWORD Value. Named science has created is Plural. Double-click on that, set new values for it is one.

- Close the Registry Editor window. Then, you can activate multiple window YM to use multiple accounts.
Photos: VNexpress.
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