Sunday, July 12, 2009

The trans-time story of photos

Manufacturer Olympus took 60,000 photographs and join them to a story about the life a person from a boy to the school, in love, get married, birth ...

Video using stop motion photography skill (join consecutively frames to create movement) to celebrate 50 years the Pen SLR which was from the half-frame version to the decade 60 of previous centuries before the Olympus Pen E-P1 camera format Micro Four Thirds now.

From 60,000 photos, the Olympus printed 9,600 , arranged and taken again to others 1,800 to give the elaborately and creative stop motion movies.
This is the PEN Story in stop motion. We shot 60.000 pictures, developed 9.600 prints and shot over 1.800 pictures again. No post production! Thanks to all the stop motion artists who inspired us...

This Olympus video taken by inspiration from clip A wolf loves pork has attracted over 2 million viewers from 04/2009 by Taijin Takeuchi, Japanese.
At first I photographed stop motion animation. And I displayed the photographs in my room and photographed it again. Enjoy a connection with the world of the room and the world in the photograph...


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